Coffee addendum: no weasels

I should add to the previous post that Jack does NOT deal in weasel coffee.  That’s the (reputedly) exquisite coffee, available only from Indonesia and Vietnam (perhaps Thailand as well), where there are civet cats, a glorified type of weasel.  These critters periodically indulge in eating coffee berries, exposing the coffee beans inside to their digestive juices, and then excreting the beans.  The beans are picked up by people trekking through the jungle, who notice the civet cat scat, and are then washed, roasted and made into coffee as usual.  The difference is that a cup of “Weasel coffee” at the Trung Nguyen outlet in the Central mall costs $90.  I am a cheapskate and therefore do not know how it tastes, but there’s a Wiki entry on the stuff that tries to determine just what it is about passing through a weasel gut that makes it so delicious.

Bon Appetite!

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