The Singapore library system
The library system in Singapore is good, but not free. Foreigners pay $57/year for membership, and locals pay $24 (I think). You can reserve books, but it costs $1.55 per book. Late fees are fifty cents a day. You may not borrow more than 8 books at any time, or borrow more books if you owe fines or fees. So the library system is much more self-supporting than in the U.S. It’s a pretty good system, although the buy-in is a bit steep (compared to completely free of cost).
For this you get a computerized database online and many branches to visit. There are pretty good collections of books, although the DVDs tend to be relentlessly oriented towards self-improvement or education – no mere entertainment! And the architecture of some branches is great. The Jurong East library has a waterfall in the lobby.
And, this being Singapore, each library has a cafe in it.