The gift that keeps giving

While I was gone for 2 months I didn’t post on my blog, since it’s supposed to be about Singapore and I wasn’t here to report anything about the place.  But according to my blog statistics, 849 hits were generated in July, of whom 356 were new to the blog.  So first, my thanks to anyone who was interested enough to keep checking back.  

And second, would you like to know the search terms of the new users?  With the exception of “female dominated Singapore” they are all variations on “Singapore sex blog.”  If you’re a frequenter of this blog you’ll recall that in March, in a spirit of scientific inquiry, I posted a few blog entries with “sex” in the title, to see what would happen to my hit rate.  It went from 2 per day to 30 (a 1500% increase!), where it has apparently stayed, more or less.  There’s a lot of interest in sexual activity in Singapore out there!  Much more than in the occasional Chinese celebrity I named in a few titles to see if they would generate traffic (my control group of blog entries).  Too bad I don’t purchase or actively investigate sex in Singapore, but only mention egregious cases of it that come to my attention, like my unsalubrious neighbor’s habits.  That’s a lot of disappointed lurkers out there.  Sorry!

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