Fine Art Gallery in ION, Singapore’s newest high-end mall

Over the weekend we explored the upper levels of ION, a new shopping center on Orchard Road.  Almost all the stores there are designer boutiques.  But there’s an art gallery called Opera that we went into, to see what’s available.

Most of what is available is really BIG, designed to fill up that 2×3 metre space on your office wall.  Much of it is in bright candy colors. Masses of it are pornographic.  A huge percentage of it is incredibly ugly.  Lots of it reminds me of high school art projects.  But there were two paintings I liked and photographed:

Isn’t this nice?  Is she dealing with baskets of fruit? Or are they balls of wool? Who cares? whatever they are, I like the picture.

The next one I need some guidance on:

Who is the target audience here?  I like the kids – both the happy one in school and the naughty girl sticking her tongue out.  Obviously a parable about modern kids’ disillusionment with communist education – is it a comment on the Cultural Revolution?  Who would buy it?  A modern capitalist who’s overcome his/her communist education and become rich?  Could this person exhibit this painting in China? Or is this for export only?

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