Snake skins in the house

I see from the GoStats information that someone was referred to my blog by typing in the question: “I found a snakeskin in my house; what is the astrological significance of this?”  (Almost all other referrals were for “Singapore sex blog,” so the search for sex in Singapore evidently continues….)

I’d say the most important significance of finding a snakeskin in your house is that a SNAKE has been in your HOUSE, and it could still be there.  You might want to make sure your shoes are empty before inserting your feet; ditto bedclothes.

Astrologically, it depends on whose astrology system you’re using.  The Chinese zodiac has a snake in it, so probably if you’re a Rat and find a snakeskin around you could be in for some major conflict.  Or if you’re going the Hindu route the snake is a major tie-in to Shiva, so perhaps your house has been blessed by a holy visitation.

On the other hand, if you use the belief system outlined by Mark Twain in Huckleberry Finn, the snakeskin’s an omen of trouble.  You should probably tie it around your wrist to ward off disaster.  Please note that this will be ineffective against disasters springing from bad weather and the iniquity of your fellow men, so it’s of limited utility.

Good luck!

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