Hello again! New job, new thread – education posts forthcoming

We went home to the U.S. for the holidays, and now we’re back in Singapore.  As I read about sub-zero temperatures and storms closing the roads in California I try to be less annoyed by the daily sweatiness here.  It’s actually the nicest time of year in Singapore, with light breezes and frequent rain; sort of like high summer in Michigan.

But that’s not what my post title promises.  The new job I have is working full-time in education research, on two different projects for two different bosses.  So instead of trying to coordinate software development among three institutions (with the bosses of 2 of them being uncannily similar to Dilbert’s pointy-headed boss), I am now videotaping innovative teaching methods in two Singapore public schools, logging and analyzing the data we get and trying to reap some research papers from the wilderness of bits, bytes and field notes.  FUN!  And my two bosses are really great.

I had been thinking of doing a lot of job-related blogging in my previous job; it would be highly entertaining to tell you all about the institutional wierdness and management incompetence I encountered.  But for once discretion reared its ugly head, and I figured that some day a potential (good) boss might read that stuff and decide I was unworthy to claim a paycheck from her.  But now I think I can blog about my current job, since I’m on the ground in Singapore schools and seeing a LOT of interesting stuff.  And I know from reading my blog stats that readers are interested in Singapore education – it’s in third place in popularity among the searches, after sex and food.

So for the next few months I’ll fill you in whenever I have a chance on the various things I learn and observe about education in Singapore.  I can’t promise to intersperse it with nude photos of famous people or anything really titillating, but if you’re an education junkie this might be mildly interesting for you.

Bon Appetite!

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