Singapore’s drought ends

The rain began about a week ago, and look what the trees produced!  I imagine the mosquitoes will resume their reign very soon, but in the meantime it’s very lovely.

2 Responses to “Singapore’s drought ends”

  1. 1
    movable feast:

    Hello Lara,
    I just happened to hit your blog while I was searching for the information of drought in SIngapore because I wanted to know how this spell of extreme dry condition affects the nature and any consequence. I felt pain a bit these days whenever I see many tall or short trees start withering and craving for the rain! I thought now it is a monsoon season here in Feb, not a dry season. So this dry days also occurred around this time last year.
    I just came back to Singapore from my two week staying in Tokyo(I am Japanese) and it was a constant reminder I really live right under the equator once I stepped out of the plain and felt warm hot mass of air suppressing my entire body inside out.
    Hope it will rain today, or tomorrow, or this weekend!

  2. 2

    My neighbor’s been here longer than I, and says the weather goes in 12-day cycles of wet and dry. It’s not unusual to have 10 days without much rain, but you can’t count on the monsoons to be uniformly wet, or the non-monsoon months to be particularly dry.

    Either way, there’s no escape from the masses of warm damp air, so the best thing is to think of it as a moisturizing sweat bath. Too bad the trees can’t think of it that way, but it’s not as dry as California, no matter how you slice it.

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