Archive for Plants

Heliconia Mania

I thought I’d share with you some of the flowers I see daily at the National Institute of Education.  They’re all members of the Heliconia family of South America.  Apparently there’s a Heliconia Society here in Singapore, and they’ve ensured that these things are out in force, at the Bird Park, the Zoo, and here […]

Jackfruit at the pool

 May seems to be the season for large tree-borne fruits to ripen.  The university is built on land that was once a durian orchard, so in a few parts of campus you can see very large spiky durians hanging perilously high.  Old inhabitants of the neighborhood will start to congregate underneath these trees in early […]

Singapore’s drought ends

The rain began about a week ago, and look what the trees produced!  I imagine the mosquitoes will resume their reign very soon, but in the meantime it’s very lovely.