Archive for Uncategorized

Chinese New Year: Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Who says pink clashes with red and orange? These are the decorations at our local giant mall, and I like them! In fact, I’m trying to design a house in which I’d have light fixtures like this in every room. Chinese New Year is a 15-day period in which you stage many family reunions and […]

Singapore government systems of persuasion: investment

This is an addendum to the previous post. Another way the government of Singapore has to influence the economy is through its more or less direct interference, for all Friedman’s claims that Singapore is a free market. The government has a company, Temasek, which owns a significant percentage of every large commercial concern on the […]

Tom Friedman on Singaporean Seriousness

You may be wondering about my reaction to Tom Friedman’s opinion piece about Singapore in today’s New York Times ( ) It’s about educational and governmental seriousness in Singapore, and a plea for the U.S. to emulate it. His hook is the story of a primary school teacher conducting a DNA workshop with her […]

Ubud, Bali: Hidden views

Ubud is a nice town. There are a few main drags, mostly named after characters in the Ramayana: Dewi Sita, Jalan Hanoman, and so forth. And if you walk along these streets and look up, or sideways, you can see all kinds of interesting things: Rice paddies behind a cafe, for instance, with tiny frogs […]

Bali: Legong Dance

In Ubud, you can go to a different dance performance every night of the week. They’re given in the public spaces of the temples, and are sacred, but that doesn’t mean they object to selling tourists tickets. The dances seem to be generally concerned with retelling the Ramayana, or parts of it, so they’re intimately […]

Bali: Ubud’s Saraswati Temple

After a few days at the beach we went to Ubud, which is supposed to be the cultural hub of Bali.  There are temple dances of several flavors offered every night there, and extensive arts and crafts shopping.  There are also art museums, but some in our party are generally opposed to them so we […]

Bali signs

We didn’t try “taking and joking” with Baba, but we followed the sign and found the Good Karma Bungalows and Restaurant. They are thatched bamboo bungalows right on the beach at Amed. You can hop out your front door and into the water (having run the gauntlet of fishing boats that are parked on the beach […]

Bali: Tirta Gangga, or Water Palace

This place was built in the 1940s by a king of south-central Bali – several sculptures are dated 1948. It’s name means waters of the Ganges, and although it’s remote from India the water did seem pure and plentiful. I don’t know if it’s source is springs or rain. At any rate it’s not a […]

Bali Costumes

Like so many Asian countries, one of the wonderful things about Bali is that people wear traditional costumes as well as the ubiquitous T-shirt and jeans (or shorts). Herewith, some pictures of people in Balinese garb: This man is wearing the Hindu turban (as opposed to the Indonesian muslim skullcap), with a peak at the […]

Bali: Rural life

These are cheery Balinese cows, in their little shelter about 50 feet from the beach. All the cattle we saw were these smallish red ones. There are little huts all up and down the precipitous slopes of East Bali, and I think they just move the cows to the ones with the lushest grass every […]