Archive for February, 2010

Sex blogging champion – thanks to YOU!

Dear Gentle Readers, Just for fun I googled “sex blog Singapore,” since so many of my blog hits are from people who did just that.  And my blog turns up as the tenth search result – just popular enough to get onto the first page of search results, although just barely.  And despite the fact […]

Gecko Pop-Tart

I have occasionally bemoaned the fact that I am the housekeeper in a large apartment that has both white tile floors and geckos.  Geckos are harmless, slightly squishy little reptiles that lay their eggs in unobtrusive corners and eat insects in the house.  (Hooray!  Despite our best efforts and the weekly thermal fogging, there are […]

Top-down management: efficiency vs. Face

Top-down management is a double-edged sword. First, the good side: In Singapore education, the highest power is the Ministry of Education.  It determines the curriculum for all schools, grades and levels, trains teachers and administrators, provides budgets and money and administers the exams that determine how well kids are doing and how well individual schools […]