Archive for April, 2010

Hog Wild at NTU – more neighbors

This morning I lucked out and saw wild pigs: a mother and adolescent!  They were walking along the ugly new fence that now separates the NTU campus from the military training jungle.  I think the fence is there to protect the Youth Olympic Games kids from rampaging Singapore servicemen.  (Although I also saw about 50 […]

Our Neighbors: Oriental Magpie-Robin

More kudos to Lip Kee for fine photography.  This is one of the most elegantly marked birds we have at the NTU campus.  The zippy stripe along the wing makes it look like a fast car.

Our neighbors: Red-breasted (Moustached) Parakeets

I didn’t take this picture: It’s by Lip Kee.  But the bird is the same as the long-tailed parakeets I see in small flocks on my morning walks.  Sometimes they’re roosting high up among some leafless branches, and the morning sun makes their little bellies glow pink and orange.  But I never have the tripod […]