Rainbow Lorikeets

  The Bird Park has an enormous aviary where there are about a thousand lorikeets, of about ten different varieties.  Here are the most conspicuously fancy ones who tend to hang out near the entrance.  That’s where visitors can buy a little cup of nectar to hold in order to lure them onto your wrist.  These guys are lined up just behind the nectar-dispensing counter.  They look pretty predatory, don’t they?  Maybe that’s just because we’ve seen Jurassic Park recently.

Here at the right you’ll see just how determined these cute little guys can be.  The rainbow lorikeet is both smaller than the black-capped lorikeets on my friend’s wrist, and outnumbered.  But he’s found a new perch on a friendly shoulder from which to approach the nectar – somewhat to my friend’s concern, as all these birdy toenails are sharp and dig into the skin.

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