Autumn Moon Festival

Here are some pictures my spouse took at the student-run event with his new camera.  Better than last year’s!

This is an over view from the top of the steps that lead to Yunnan Garden.  The marquee to the left is where you could pick up your free little lantern.  The stage is to the right.  You can’t really see the games, the informative booths with the stories of Chang-Er and the Jade Rabbit (the figures you can see in a full moon), the astrology and other fortune-telling booths, the food booths and mooncake making booth, the booth that helped you make a lantern from recycled plastic cups, or the various games.  But they’re out there…..


This was an area where people would write little charms, attach them to the bottoms of their lanterns, and then hang the lanterns on a wire.  This was the romantic sector; the charms read “May our love last 99 years” and similarly loving stuff.  I guess this is as close as we get to people necking in public…..the necking has to be on paper and in an acceptably traditional format.

A mutual acquaintance, with a lantern.  The red posts in the background hold up the roof of the nice traditional Chinese pavilion, recently painted traditional Chinese red.  The flourescent lighting, while convenient, is not traditional.  I think that inside this pavilion was a crafts station; you could make origami shaped like rabbits or frogs, or do Chinese macrame in red silk.

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