Our neighbors: Water monitor

This particularly plump water monitor was resting on a walkway at Sungeh Buloh Wetlands Nature Reserve.  There are actually water monitors all over Singapore – one even showed up in the girls’ bathroom at a school off Orchard Road – but it’s rare to have a camera handy when one is close by.

This one is only about 4 feet long.  Our first week here we saw one on the NTU campus that was 5 feet long, excluding tail, trying to get through the fence that separates us from the Pottery Jungle. We haven’t spotted any that large since, though.

One Response to “Our neighbors: Water monitor”

  1. 1

    I stand corrected. Two days ago my neighbor and I saw another BIG monitor at NTU. It spotted us first and headed up a hill and towards that same fence mentioned in the post. The monitors are FAST once they get going – another reason they’re hard to photograph.

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