Archive for Icky Stuff

Our neighbors: Water monitor

This particularly plump water monitor was resting on a walkway at Sungeh Buloh Wetlands Nature Reserve.  There are actually water monitors all over Singapore – one even showed up in the girls’ bathroom at a school off Orchard Road – but it’s rare to have a camera handy when one is close by. This one […]

Ridiculous laundry posting: The Perils of Fabric Softener

It came to pass that Ellen, daughter of Emma, bade her child, “Employ the fabric softener when that thou dost laundry, for lo! thou air-driest thy wet loads, and the absence thereof will cause grievous stiffness even in the limbs of thy shirts.”  And lo, the daughter did purchase the recommended unguent, and used it […]

Coffee addendum: no weasels

I should add to the previous post that Jack does NOT deal in weasel coffee.  That’s the (reputedly) exquisite coffee, available only from Indonesia and Vietnam (perhaps Thailand as well), where there are civet cats, a glorified type of weasel.  These critters periodically indulge in eating coffee berries, exposing the coffee beans inside to their […]

Singapore sex blog

I see from my blog statistics that there’s a steady of trickle of people who find this site by googling “Singapore sex blog.”  God, how disappointed they must be.  But I’ll do my best, speaking as a monogamous married type who keeps early hours and lives about an hour’s ride from the red-light districts. Yes, […]


Hey, guess what we found outside the squash courts this morning!  A rhinoceros beetle napping on its back!  We brought it back in our sports equipment, and found that it likes to hold on to the strings of a racquet with its tiny, but incredibly strong claws.  We put it in a tupperware container with […]

Public Health Warnings: Cigarettes

Below I’ve pasted in a couple of scans of discarded cigarette packs, in order to show you what a cigarette health warning looks like if your Surgeon-General is NOT in bed with the tobacco industry. These packages are made in Indonesia, probably for the Singapore market (which is why they’re printed in English).  I just […]


OK, by popular demand, this is what your leather items look like if you keep them in the closet without moisture-absorbing crystals.  I bought a hydrometer a few weeks ago and can tell you that the ambient humidity tends to range from 86-94%.  Today is exceptionally dry – it’s only 78%!  So what happens in […]

Spitting Chinese

Singapore has an indigenous snake called the spitting cobra.  I have yet to see one outside the zoo.  But it also hosts a much more common species, the Spitting Chinese.  These are lamentably abundant. In the periodic TV announcements urging Singaporeans to be civil, government spokespeople sometimes inveigh against spitting in public.   I’m with […]

Singapore Toilets

OK, you may think that I’m going to be gross, but I’m not, really!  Toilets in Singapore come in both varieties: seats and holes-in-the-ground, and they are generally kept very clean and pleasant, except where someone has left footprints on a seat, not knowing what else to do with it.  But there are a couple […]